Case Studies

Reddit OnlyFans promotion: how a creator became a “Poster of the Month”

Learn how one OnlyFans model employed our services to not only enhance her subreddit presence dramatically but also to ascend the ranks and secure the prestigious ‘Poster of the Month’ title that became her account’s label of a lifetime.

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Self-managed content creator on a popular adult platform

An established model on a popular adult platform, consistently contributing to a high-traffic, adult-oriented subreddit. Her aim was to gain additional visibility and subscribers, and ultimately, secure the coveted “Poster of the Month” title on her chosen subreddit.

The problem

Standing out amidst a sea of content creators on adult platforms is a challenging task.

Our client was looking for a tool that could help her posts gain more visibility, attract more subscribers, and achieve the recognition of being named “Poster of the Month” on a particular subreddit.

The solution


Our Reddit DIY upvote service became the client’s key to visibility enhancement. Taking charge of her campaign, she harnessed our services for tactical upvoting at critical moments to optimize visibility and engagement.


Our client strategically utilized our DIY service to boost her posts throughout the month. She self-managed the campaign, using our service to provide an initial boost of 250 to 500 votes per post and a couple of awards and comments on the side. Our client took the helm of her campaign, strategically choosing when and which posts to boost.

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Based on our research, we proposed a Reddit campaign that centered around sharing enticing videos of the product our client had created.


The client’s self-managed campaign proved successful. All the posts she boosted saw a significant increase in engagement, each garnering between 8k and 10k upvotes.

The outcome

Boosted posts significantly increased in visibility, each attracting between 7,000 and 8,000 upvotes.

Secured the “Poster of the Month” title, providing additional exposure and boosting her subscriber count.

Maintained a consistent presence on the subreddit’s hot pages for 3 consecutive years now.

I found Signals' DIY service to be incredibly powerful. The ability to manage my own campaign, while leveraging their upvote service, gave me the flexibility I needed to boost my content's visibility and secure the 'Poster of the Month' title. The increase in my subscriber count speaks for itself. Highly recommended for any content creators looking to gain an edge.

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